Monday, 18 April 2016

11 Tips to Protect Skin during summer

Summer is the season when you have to take special care of your skin. Skin is the most prominent organ of our body. So, during summer, it is essential to take care of the skin. Hot weather can lead to skin problems like heat rash. Sun damage can lead to premature ageing, dry skin, dark spots or pigmentation, wrinkles and even skin cancer over time.

Following are some tips to be kept in mind during summer.

Hydrate Yourself

During summer, your body tends to lose a lot of moisture. So it is important to hydrate your body with water from time to time. Drinking lots of water will help your skin remain soft and moisturised.

Using a Toner

A skin toner will keep the pores closed and keep the skin cool. You can try rose water as its natural cooling properties are excellent for summer.

Sleep Well

Get sleep for seven to eight hours a day.

Staying out of sun during hottest hours

The hottest hours of the day are between 10 am and 3 pm. You should avoid staying out for long in these hours as your skin will get more exposed to radiations.

Apply sunscreen

Sunscreen is the best way by which your skin is protected. Choose a sunscreen which has a combination of sunscreen and moisturiser. You need to nourish your skin with vitamins and anti-oxidants for long term benefits. Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before stepping out.

Use face wash

Clean your face at least twice a day. Keep a routine to wash your face once in morning and evening. Choose a cleanser which is gentle for your skin type.

Exfoliate your skin

You should exfoliate your skin two to three times a week as it will help in removing unwanted dead skin which may be clogging your pores and also improving blood circulation to the face.

Protecting your skin

Protect your facial skin by wearing a hat, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes as the sensitive skin around the eyes is prone for fast ageing.

Use lip balm

To keep your lips soft.

Waterproof or no make-up

Make-up becomes a mess during summer because of the rise in temperature. Use light make-up which is water proof. When it is too hot try and keep your natural glow of your skin.

Avoid aerated drinks

Aerated drinks contain lots of sugar which is not good for your face instead drink water, fresh lime, fresh fruit juices or coconut water. You should also minimise the intake of alcohol and caffeine as they reduce the water content from the body system.

Keep in mind all the above mentioned summer skin care tips to keep your skin fresh and glowing. Visit your nearby salon regularly for fresh and glowing skin.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

10 Natural Healthy Summer Foods during Summers


Water is one of the single most important nutrients food for summer. A lot of essential minerals are lost in hot weather due to sweating. Therefore drink plenty of water to replenish your body. Drink 4 glasses of water early morning are highly beneficial during summer.


Vegetable salads with lots of low fat, low calorie, high water content goodies like Cucumber, tomato, carrot and onion are easy to make, don’t require cooking. Eat salad after lunch is good for health.

3.Fresh Juice

Some selected fruits like grapes, water melon, pomegranate and lemon juices are great summer foods. It makes your body cool and improves your digestive system. It also prevents your skin from sun damage and makes them healthy and shinny. Avoid using large amounts of sugar and if possible substitute with honey.


Soups are rich in nutrition and low calorie which makes an excellent food summer foods. Hot soups make you sweat and cool your inner body by including healthy ingredients like mint and coriander. A bowl of soup made from carrot, onion, beans and herbs such as mint and coriander refreshing you from summer. These are easy to digest so your insides are not affected by heat.

5.Butter milk

Buttermilk is one of the good choices for summer. Avoid Coffee and Tea by adding butter milk as an alternate is good for health. It is easily digest and cool your total body. Buttermilk is rich in vitamin c. It cures ulcers, indigestion and other stomach related problems. And finally buttermilk is best food for healthy skin.

6.Tender Coconut Water

Tender Coconut Water is one of the important summer foods. Drink tender coconut water empty stomach in early morning during summer prevent your lungs, eyes, kidney and blood circulation from heat.


Without doubt fruit is the most beneficial, energy giving summer foods. Fruit has the highest water content balance the lack of water content in your body. In addition all the fruit contains vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fatty acids.

8.Grilled Food

Grilled vegetables, chicken, fish are suitable summer foods. Grilling make the food healthier and allows your family for tasty lunch. Grilled food is easy to digest so your system is not burning you up while it burns the calories. Keep the rubs and sauces less spicy to keep your digestive system cool.

9.Dry Fruits

Dry fruits like dates, frozen grapes balance the lack of nutrition and prevent from spreading diseases. Dates are rich in protein, iron, fibre, calcium and vitamins. It protects your eyes and skin from sun damage and keeps them healthy.


Almond, Cashew, Pista and Walnut are nutritional foods to protect your body from spreading diseases. These are suitable for all seasons but in summer it prevents you from major diseases like nervous disorder, eye problem, skin dryness etc.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy This Summer

It is easy to neglect our skin in the summer. The warmer, more humid weather means our skin isn’t as dry and itchy as it is in the winter; and the sun kissed look of a tan can make us feel better when we look in the mirror. But the lazy days of summer don’t mean we should be lazy with our skin care regime; in fact, we should be even more diligent. Follow these easy steps for gorgeous healthy skin.

1: Face Your Day

Even those short walks to lunch or running errands can put you at risk of too much sun exposure. Adding a healthy layer of face protecting sunscreen to your morning beauty routine is a critical don’t-skip-it step.

2: Lip Service

While we never need an excuse to buy a new lipstick, sun protection for your lips means mandatory shopping! Whatever your colour choice (we love everything from nude to red hot!), look for lip care with an SPF of at least 15.

3: Water, Water Everywhere

When it comes to your body, Mother Nature knows best! Seasonal summer foods like watermelon, leafy greens, and berries have a higher concentration of water to help you stay hydrated in the heat. In addition to drinking your daily in-take of water, it’s healthy and smart to indulge in fresh, water rich foods.

4: Get Up and Glow

The latest self-tanners offer sprays mist application so you don’t have to worry about silly streaks or serious dry time. Bronzed and beautiful, your white sleeveless dress is calling your name.

5: Naturally You

Longer days, lighter clothing, and less makeup rule the season. Since going nude is a little, um, casual, opt for an all-in-one face fix. BB creams, aka beauty balms, are the absolute ‘IT Girls’ of skincare that instantly moisturize, even skin tone, boost radiance, and illuminate your face with a skin perfecting glow. Still natural, still you (only better!), this all-encompassing beauty potion is the total package.

6: Sweat It Out

In addition to the obvious physical benefits, your fitness routine is a beauty ritual. Sweat, your body’s natural response to exercise, is a brilliant elixir that regulates your body temperature, releases trace amount of toxins, and loosens dirt in your pores (that’s why you feel extra clean after your post workout shower!).

7: Decent Exposure

A sunny summer day is like a beauty challenge! Whether it’s an impromptu picnic in the park, a walk on the beach, or a road trip (sunroof open!), think early morning or late afternoon. According to the Center for Disease Control, the sun’s most harmful rays are between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm, so smart precautions like a broad-spectrum high SPF sunscreen, plenty of shade, and lots of water will make for a beautiful adventure.